WE’VE MOVED. Our new address is 875 S. HEWITT DR., SUITE A, HEWITT, TX 76643

Informed Consent Form

Thank you for choosing Judd Veterinary Clinic as your choice! Please fill out the form as completely and accurate as possible.

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Informed Consent Form

Please fill out this form as completely and accurately as possible so we can get to know you and your pet(s) before your visit. If this is an emergency, or if your pet needs urgent care, please call us at 254-666-3355  for a faster response.

Click here to download printable form.

I consent to the administration of such anesthesia as may be deemed proper by the doctor.


I acknowledge that no assurance or guarantee has been made of the result of surgery or treatment and that risks and probabilities complications exist in any surgical or medical treatment.


All charges including boarding costs shall be paid when the pet is released from the hospital. If the pet is not called for within 12 days after the time specified for return and if the doctor is not notified in writing of an alternate date within the 12 day period, the animal will be considered abandoned and may be disposed of as the doctor sees fit. It is understood that you so doing does not relieve me from paying all costs of your services and use of your hospital including the cost of boarding.


I understand that if my animal is in the hospital overnight or on the weekends, 24 hr supervision and monitoring is not provided.


If your pet is to be spayed or neutered, a small green tattoo will be applied to the caudoventral abdomen to signify this surgery has been performed.

Clear Signature
(Signature of owner or owner’s agent)